We would like to extend a warm welcome to the school on behalf of the Sunflower Federation which comprises Meadow Wood and Breakspeare schools. The two schools work under one head teacher and senior leadership team and one governing board.


The Governors work as a team to support and challenge the performance of both schools in order to ensure equality of opportunity and high standards in all areas of school life.


We work with the Head Teacher to:


  • Ensure effective leadership and management that focuses on pupil safeguarding, well-being and individual needs.
  • Oversee the schools’ Vision and Ethos.
  • Create and implement the School Development Plan.
  • Maintain the high quality and impact of teaching and learning.
  • Ensure that the spiritual, moral and cultural development of all our pupils is at the heart of all we do.
  • Oversee the financial management of the schools, making sure the money is well spent.


We are very proud of our schools and the work of our teaching and non-teaching staff and we have high aspirations for the future.


If you are interested in joining our team please get in touch via the school office.


Emma Gritten


Chair of Governors